St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

attendance-policy-november-2022-2- (1).pdf

Good attendance is vital in securing great progress in learning and supporting your child in developing a strong and secure friendship group in school. At Aloeric we set our target at 96% attendance and expect our children to attend promptly and regularly every day.

Unfortunately requests for holidays term time will not be authorised and attendance will be monitored across the school. Should the school become concerned that attendance is dropping, parents will be contacted. This year to ensure that parents are aware of their child's attendance rate we will be sending texts home in Term 2, 4 and 6 to update them on current attendance percentages. These will only apply to those children whose attendance slips below 90%. We understand that illness can have a significant impact on percentages attended and these absences will be authorised. However, Doctors reports or medical evidence may be required should repeated absence be illness related so we can ensure that a return to school can be made.

A day here or there can quickly amount to quite a lot of time off school and holidays during term time will not be authorised. This has been agreed with all primary heads of the Melksham Schools.

In some circumstances the Educational Welfare Officer will be contacted to work with the parents and school to develop good attendance habits. We aim to inform and work alongside parents before we have to instigate our attendance policy route. Unfortunately regular missed sessions will lead to a fine being issued by the local Authority.10 missed sessions ( or 5 days) will be a trigger for a penalty notice to be issued.

School Avoidance

We recognise that many children have been affected by the stop start nature of schooling over the last two years and that some children may be genuinely unable to come to school. In significant cases this may be attributed to school avoidance or school based anxiety. It is vital that parents and carers do work with us so that we can put strategies in place to support a successful return.



The school offers a Breakfast Club from 8.00am. Classroom doors open at 8.45 am and registration will take place at 8.55am. If children arrive after registration this will be marked as late and if it is later than 9.15 it will be marked as a whole session missed. These missed sessions can quickly add up and cause attendance rates to slip rapidly so remember be on time- 5 to 9.

This year to ensure that parents are aware of their child's attendance rate we will be sending texts home in Term 2, 4 and 6 to update them on current attendance percentages. These will only apply to those children whose attendance slips below 90%. 

If you are struggling to get your child into school do phone the office and speak with our Welfare Officer (Mrs Riley), Mrs Clifton (Head of School) , Mrs Goodyear (Senco) or Mrs Cooper (Deputy).

Please find attached an attendance leaflet for further information

Attendance_Leaflet for Parents Aloeric

Letter from the Secretary of State to school leaders on attendance November 2021