St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

                      Mini Police


Each year, around twenty children from Year 6 work closely with Wiltshire Police and create a Mini Police cadet force in school. They have to apply for the role, explaining why they want to join and what issues in the community they would like to tackle. They work together in learning about how to keep safe in and around the community and how to be a fantastic citizen in and out of the school. They have a 'swearing in' ceremony and make a pledge in front of their families and friends that they will uphold the values of the Mini Police and try their very best at all times. They get a Mini Police jacket to wear and a notebook to keep notes in. Each year, the children discuss community issues that they feel are important with the Police Officers and this informs what we cover in each Mini Police session. We have tackled issues such as parking outside the school gates, with the Mini Police issuing parking notices to anyone causing an obstruction! 






 Junior Good Citizens with Wiltshire Police

The Junior Good Citizen, (JGC) scheme is a multi-agency initiative aimed at giving children the opportunity to learn a variety of skills to help them deal with a wide range of emergency and non-emergency situations. 


Working with partner agencies, the aim of the scheme is to increase the children’s individual personal safety and knowledge, to help others across their communities.


JGC encourages children to think through the problems they are confronted with and to resolve them successfully, both individually and as a team.


Children become a Junior Good Citizen as they learn how to help keep themselves safe and to pass on their new safety skills to friends and family.


Information for parents / carers

Junior Good Citizen  briefing.doc 

The JGC Partnership have come together with some useful links and tips to help children stay safe and be a Good Citizen.


Great safety information for parents and children  



Child Accident Prevention Trust

You vs Train

Please watch to check you feel this is appropriate for your young person before you show them – this is an incident involving a young person on the railway  

Network Rail

Railway safety info



Please have a look to decide whether you would like to share this with your young person.


Support around Mental Health




Online counselling

Think u Know

Educational information around personal safety – including online safety, exploitation

Child Net

Online safety


Internet Matters

Online safety tips for parents