St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

Mathematicians at Aloeric


Our Intent: Nurturing confident, resilient and engaged mathematicians:

At Aloeric Primary, we strive to deliver an inspiring and engaging Maths curriculum which creates a progressive knowledge base from EYFS to Year 6 and is underpinned through a ‘mastery for all’ approach to Mathematics. This means, through appropriate support and challenge, learning is tailored to each and every child.  Through this ‘mastery approach’, we aim for our pupils to develop a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

Our Curriculum:

Our Maths curriculum is underpinned through the blocks set out in the White Rose Curriculum. A blocking structure (where concepts are the primary focus once a year, for a longer duration of time) has been adopted due to the greater opportunities provided for children to master key concepts and apply them to a range of mathematical scenarios before moving on to new concepts. Our curriculum design is such that key concepts are embedded and then regularly revisited and re-addressed within subsequent teaching blocks.Please click below to view the yearly overviews for each year group:


Year 1 overview

Year 2 overview

Year 3 overview

Year 4 overview

Year 5 overview

Year 6 overview


Supporting your child at home:

As mathematicians, all children are expected to complete weekly blended learning activities which either consolidate learning completed in class or act as a pre-learning opportunity for an upcoming block of work. You may be asked to have a go at a practical task, an online activity or a problem solving task.



Times Tables Rockstars:

From Year 2 to Year 6, our children receive a login to Times Tables Rockstars to support them in becoming arithmetically fluent in the multiplication and division facts relevant to the National Curriculum expectations for their year group. In order to prepare the children for the National Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4, the children in Years 2, 3 and 4 are provided with time in school to use this resource.



The development our children’s fluency in recalling the times table facts are seen as absolutely crucial in successfully accessing the full breadth of the curriculum. Regular short practice sessions at home will support your child to soar as mathematicians!

We reward participation in Times Table Rockstars with every child able to earn a certificate when they achieved a personal milestone across the academic year. We celebrate this achievement during our weekly celebration assembly. The first certificate to aim for is their 1000 correct answer milestone over the current academic year!



Children in Year 5 and 6 are also provided with a personal login to Mathletics in order to stretch and consolidate their learning across the curriculum. We also reward participation and effort in Mathletics with every child able to earn a certificate when they have achieved a personal milestone across the academic year. We celebrate this achievement during our weekly celebration assembly. The first certificate to aim for is their 10 gold bar certificate which they work towards over the academic year!


The 99 Club

We have recently introduced 'The 99 Club' as a way of supporting children with their rapid recall of multiplication and division facts. The 99 club works on the basis of repeated practice. Each week the children will have 5 minutes to complete their set number of questions based on which 'club' they are working within. Some children will have 11 questions (11 club), 22 questions (22 club) and so on. The challenge is to complete all questions correctly within 5 minutes to be able to move onto the next club.

For further information and to download practise sheets - Click the link The 99 Club