Aloeric LGC Governor Welcome Letter
Aloeric Primary School is part of Pickwick Academy Trust and for a while local governance was overseen by the Trust Board. For more information about the Trust please visit: – you will find the Trust’s Auditor report here too.
In February 2020 we launched a new Local Governance Committee (LGC) and appointed a new Chair and Vice-Chair. We have some vacancies on our LGC – if you would like to become a Governor and support the work we are doing at the school, please give us a ring or drop us an email to discuss this further.
There is a legal requirement for schools to record any potential conflicts of interest between Governors/Trustees and the impartial execution of their roles. To see the Trust record please visit
See the table below for our governors
Our Governors are committed to improvement and make significant personal contributions to the school in terms of time and effort. Their role is to hold senior leaders to account for the performance of the school, and to provide support and guidance. Our LGC is held to account by Pickwick Academy Trust’s Board of Trustees and Members.
Our Governors:
Tim Waldron - Chair
Lara Haines - Vice Chair
Alison Hodges - Teacher Governor
Fay Smith - Parent Governor
Nadine Gazi - Parent Governor
Clare Traxler - Parent Governor
Tom Mullins - Headteacher
Emma Taylor - Deputy Headteacher
Mandy Wright - Clerk to Governors
For more information about Pickwick Academy Trust and to find out how to make contact please visit: You will find the Trust’s Auditor report here too.
To view Pickwick Academy Trust’s Trustee information and declaration of interests please visit: