St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

Continuous Provision

At Aloeric we believe in the value of learning through play. We have embedded play based learning in FS2 for a long time, but after lots of research and teachers visiting other schools we decided to continue play based learning in Year 1 as well. 


Image result for repetitions play


In Reception, children are taught in large groups for Literacy and Maths and smaller groups for phonics. They also enjoy class story time sessions each day and circle time discussions. Other sessions such as the weekly welly walk and using the computing suite are also as a whole class. For the rest of the day, the children learn independently in both the indoor and outdoor continuous provision, while adults support their play and carefully and skillfully intervene. Other adults will work with small groups, for example taking a few children to bake and explore weight, or practise a skill they have learnt. 


In Year One, the children have some more formal teaching, as they get older and can concentrate for longer periods their whole class sessions are a little longer. The children access the continuous provision, and they are able to consolidate their learning independently. Over a week, the children have challenges to complete in the continuous provision, so it is a little more structured than Reception. 


In both Reception and Year One, the provision is carefully planned to meet the needs of the children and ensure curriculum coverage. We also work hard to link enhancements in the provision to our current enquiry, for example a card shop and a takeaway recently opened in Reception to encourage and support role play and writing linked to our enquiry 'What do we celebrate?' at the time of Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. 


Please see class pages for more information about what the children are learning!