Safeguarding- Everyone's responsibility
At Aloeric Primary School we are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all of our children and of the adults in our community.
Please become familiar with our Safeguarding and Child protection policy and do not hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead: Tom Mullins, or our Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Emma Taylor, Michele Riley, Charlotte Goodyear, Jim Faulkner and Kelly Cover should you have any concerns about the wellbeing and safety of any child.
Child protection and safeguarding policy 24 25
Visitor's Safeguarding leaflet
Likewise anyone can contact the MASH team ( anonymously) to report concerns or ask for advice.
If you think a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, or is injured, contact:
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Team on 0300 456 0108 (out of hours: 0300 456 0100)
- If there is immediate danger phone the police or emergency services on 999
Useful links