St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

Our Curriculum Intent

At Aloeric Primary School, our intent is to teach a broad and balanced enquiry led curriculum based upon the needs of our children, which builds upon their strengths, celebrates their uniqueness and challenges them to do and become more.

We aim to design a memorable curriculum which recognises and builds upon prior learning and knowledge,with increasingly challenging enquiries. Our intent is to provide meaningful first hand learning experiences in and out of the classroom and develop more opportunities to  appreciate and participate in the arts and a widening range of sports.

Through our curriculum we aim for our children to develop confidence, resilience and empathy. We will support them to develop the breadth of skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary for them to be successful, responsible and happy citizens. We will place a strong emphasis on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all our pupils and we will embed the clear set of values that underpin expectations for behaviour for all members of our school family.

Community involvement is core to our curriculum and this year our developing curriculum intent embraces the community in which we are situated, It recognises local history, heritage, geographical and business links and supports the children in developing a greater understanding of the world around them. Our developing curriculum design will encourage the children to ask and answer questions about their local and global community.

Throughout their time at Aloeric we hope for the children to develop a sense of belonging and responsibility to their local and global community. We hope they will leave us with the confidence and skills to make safe decisions, holding high aspirations for themselves, and being equipped for the next stage in their lives.


We use a range of schemes to help us achieve this, many of which we have recently introduced, and are embedding through high quality CPD.

Our schemes to support the implementation of the National Curriculum include:

Jigsaw (PSHE introduced September 2019)

Discovery RE

Purple Mash - Computing (Introduced Spring 2020)

Real Legacy -PE  (Introduced January 2020)

White Rose - Maths  (Introduced April 2019)

Little Wandle- Phonics ( Introduced September 2021)

Language Angels- MFL (Introduced September 2020)

From September 21 we have also adopted the Write Stuff Approach to writing in order to raise attainment in writing across the school 


We are also continuing on a 2 year program of CPD which allow us to develop an enquiry led curriculum based upon the needs of the children of Aloeric. Through CPD and coaching, alongside Lighting Up Learning, the staff are able to deliver and implement a curriculum which encourages the children to ask and answer questions, learn from prior experiences and explore through challenges and enquiry (please see the enquiry page for further information about this). 


Teachers will use ongoing assessments to ensure that children are making more than expected progress. In Years 2-6, we have adopted Puma, Pira and Gaps assessments which the children will complete three times a year to track progress in Maths, Reading and Grammar. From the standardised scores, teachers will be able to track progress, identify gaps and support those children at risk at falling behind. We have adopted the tracking tool Insight Tracking to support the process and regular assessment and monitoring meetings will allow teachers to analyse data and track groups of learners. 



 Pickwick Academy Trust Curriculum Statement


Through working alongside our schools we strive to develop a range of opportunities and immersive experiences for all our pupils and families. We encourage leaders and teachers to build on the National Curriculum to provide an ambitious, rich and diverse curriculum in our schools. Our aspiration is for every pupil to develop the know of (knowledge), know how (skills) and dispositions needed to be successful, curious citizens. Through experiencing the curriculum by being Geographers, Scientists, Musicians for example, we not only enable them to move confidently into the next phase of education, but also help them to build foundations for life.  


The belief that a school’s curriculum should reflect the local communities to enhance and enrich learning is shared across all our settings. Collaboration across our Trust helps each of our schools to create a bespoke, locally focused curriculum that inspires our pupils with people, places and stories that our children can relate to.


We encourage our staff to continue to hone, develop and refine their understanding of the pedagogy that lies behind their curriculum, recognising how children learn and the different stages in their cognitive development, so that they can scaffold the curriculum appropriately, ensuring access for all. We strive to support our schools to plan their curriculum carefully in a coherent and sequenced way, showing progression of skills and knowledge. We believe that, by encouraging pupils to become more active in their learning, they are able to know and remember more. Our enquiry-led approach to curriculum helps to promote adaptability and encourages our children to make connections across and between subjects. Our aim is to ensure that creativity and challenge are woven through our enquiry questions which are planned to stretch thinking, build active engagement in learning and stimulate curiosity.  


Through a curriculum that is both engaging and relevant, that promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development of our pupils, we are working hard with our families and communities to help to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life in our society. PHSE is promoted and taught in all our schools, including ways in which children can keep themselves safe and internet safety and we ensure our schools teach Relationships and Sex Education following government guidelines.


We recognise pupil’s self-awareness, and awareness of others, develops as they mature and that this has a significant impact on their ability to relate to and learn about the world we live in. We work with our schools to develop interesting and appropriate experiences to help pupils to become self-aware individuals, enabling them to learn to make connections and begin to empathise with those ‘big’ themes such as tolerance, responsibility and culture around the world. We encourage all our schools to be Unicef Rights Respecting Schools.


Through working with our Curriculum leaders and learning from each other, we enable all staff to become confident subject leaders who are able to champion their subject, have the knowledge and skills needed to ensure their subjects are planned and taught effectively, to monitor the impact of their subject on pupils’ learning and to continue to develop and improve practice. We encourage collaboration between subject leaders across the Trust, sharing research, processes and good practice to influence the development of the curriculum.


In summary, we want to inspire curiosity, aspiration, independence and relevance for all our learners.