St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

Year 2

Rabbit Class Teacher: Mrs Perry

Owl Class Teachers: Miss Swinburn and Miss Heathcote

Any queries - Please email

Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we aim to develop a safe, happy and enjoyable learning environment where everyone is able to thrive and make progress. We try to link as much of our learning as possible to our enquiries and you can read about upcoming learning in our termly curriculum newsletters and curriculum overviews.


We believe that it is really important to build a team around your child and that your involvement in their learning is essential. To this end we invite you to several events during the year; the first will be a meet the teacher – where you can meet us, ask questions and find out how we can all work together this year to support and ensure a happy and successful Y2.


We hope to enrich the children’s learning with a number of trips, visits, visitors and special events. Last year was a very successful year with the children loving the different range of enquiries taught. Our enquiries encourage them to see links with different areas of learning and see how this is real and exciting giving both knowledge and an understanding of learning for life.


Your support of Blended Learning is vital to help your child to fulfill their potential. We ask you to hear your child read and encourage them to develop a love of reading, reading both school texts and reading for pleasure. Talking to your child about their learning and encouraging them to develop their interests is also crucial. We will continue to make use of Bug Club to support reading, Purple Mash and TTrockstars  to support learning.


It really helps your child’s learning to be ready each day. Help them to remember to bring their reading book, reading record and blended learning book every day, and PE kit should be in school at all times. We would like to encourage your child to drink fresh water daily so please send in a named water bottle, this has been proved to help concentration and learning. We don’t have room for backpacks on our pegs in Year 2 so do make sure your child has a school book bag.


If you need to speak to us with questions or other issues then catch us at the end of the day, or pop into the office to leave a message or make an appointment.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Perry, Miss Swinburn and Miss Heathcote



Year 2 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint


We try to link as much of our learning as possible to our enquiries and you can read about upcoming learning in our termly curriculum newsletter and overview. This year’s exciting enquiries are:

Term 1

How can we help? 

What could my classroom be made of?

Term 2

How are schools the same?

Term 3

How will we get around in the future?

Term 4

How do we live a healthy life?

Term 5

How do plants grow near me?

What is home?

Term 6

What did Brunel do for Great Britain?

Curriculum newsletters



Blended Learning is sent out each Friday



Support for Parents/Carers



Please click here to download an explanation as to how the reading books are now allocated in KS1.


We have also included these useful glossaries which explain the vocabulary that we use in class with the children. If there is anything that you're unsure of, please do come and ask.

Year 2 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Glossary

Year 2 Maths Glossary


The 99 Club

In Year 2, we use the '99 club' to practise times tables recall. Visit our page to read about the 99 club, and to download sheets to practise at home, here.


Pages & Sites of Interest

Please note that Aloeric Primary School are not responsible for the content of external web sites.

Purple Mash (children should have their own username and passwords)

Times Table Rockstars  (children should have their own username and passwords)

ICT Games

Hit the Button

Phonics Play

Phonics Bloom

The School Run *Please note that there are some resources on this website that are paid for. Please do not feel that you have to subscribe.