Bumblebees Class Teacher: Mrs Cover
Ladybirds Class Teacher: Miss Tidey
Welcome to Reception
Reception, or FS2, is the first year that children attend Aloeric. We have a staggered start over the first few weeks, to support children’s transition. The children learn through play, which doesn’t mean we just leave the children to play; it is carefully planned and structured, and also supported by adults. The children learn an enormous amount without even knowing it! You can find out more about continuous provision and learning through play here.
We are authors and mathematicians every day, and develop our learning skills through independent tasks as well as working with the adults. We are also artists, musicians, geographers, and engineers and we enjoy our learning. We have a session in the computing suite every week, and our own Foundation Stage Assemblies. Our weekly welly walks are just one part of our outside learning, as we are also learning in our outside classroom every day. These learning sessions are an important part of our ‘Understanding the World’ curriculum, but we might also be going on a bear hunt or making natural art. Our curriculum is carefully planned based on the Statutory Framework for Early Years.
We are also learning to become members of our new school community. We learn to form new friendships, be more independent, follow structures and routines and let our big personalities shine! We learn about keeping ourselves safe and healthy too.
We learn through enquiry, or asking and answering big questions. The teachers plan these based on children’s interests, so they do change but these are the enquiries currently planned for the year:
Look out for more information about what we are learning in each newsletter! You can also find out about how to support your child at home through our weekly blended learning, which links closely to what the children are learning in class.
We work closely with families; running curriculum workshops, stay and make sessions and inviting grown ups on trips and for special events like our Nativity, we share assessment information on Tapestry and we love finding out what the children are learning at home. Please share any wow moments with us on a 'Sharing Star' so that we can add it to your child's learning journey!
Curriculum newsletters
Blended learning will be emailed out weekly on a Friday
Other information
Information for parents and carers